Happy World Kindness Day!

Saturday 13th November 2021, marks one of the most important awareness days yet – World Kindness Day!
During our last team huddle for the week, Suzanne, Chief Nurse at Primary Care Doncaster, suggested an activity for us all to take part in for the celebration of World Kindness Day.
This activity was called “Kindness Celebrity Squares” which entailed of everyone turning to the person next to them (virtually) and telling them what they are thankful and grateful for from the other person.
We had many things to be thankful for, such as: “Thank you for joining the team”, “Thank you for being a great support system”, “Thank you for being so helpful and efficient”, “Thank you for making me laugh”, “Thank you for being so welcoming” and finally “Thank you for being you!”. We had such an enjoyable time and found it an uplifting exercise that all of the team benefitted from.
Please remember to #BeKind, and celebrate World Kindness Day. Just one small thing may mean a lot to another person, and kindness costs nothing – Happy World Kindness Day everyone!