Highlights from our Diabetes Events in Doncaster

Last week, we hosted several Diabetes Events across every locality in Doncaster to connect with our community, discuss important information about diabetes, and answer many questions.
Our team visited multiple locations, including Market Street, Woodlands Library, King Chambers, and Rossington Miners, providing valuable opportunities to engage with the local community. Each event focused on delivering essential information about identifying early signs of diabetes, managing symptoms, and the importance of regular check-ups.
We were thrilled to see over 60 people attending our stands across the 3 days we were present, covering all localities. An encouraging 100% of attendees reported that they found the pop-up health events useful.
During the events, several common themes and questions emerged in conversations with attendees, including how to spot signs and symptoms of diabetes, develop healthy eating habits, and book diabetes-related medical appointments. There was significant interest in learning about local support groups, including the support services offered by BeWell Doncaster. Many visitors also appreciated the various resources and pamphlets available for them to take home.
These diabetes events allowed us to reinforce the importance of regular health check-ups, share critical resources, and foster a sense of community among those living with diabetes in Doncaster. We were happy to receive great feedback from attendees, highlighting the positive impact of these events.
Thank you to everyone who attended and participated in making these events a success!