Leave feedback for Changes and Challenges for Primary Care TARGET Step 1 of 5 20% HiddenCert title- hidden Optional Did we meet your expectations?Were the aims and objectives met? Yes Partially No In this session, Doncaster partners will come together to discuss the future of Primary Care and invite clinicians to voice their feedback on processes which currently work or could be improved. Understand the how health organisations in Doncaster currently work and what they offer to general practice. Identify solutions for processes which do not work as efficiently and can be improved.Were the learning outcomes met? Yes Partially No Have improved knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of each health organisation in Doncaster. Have improved knowledge of the lifestyle services available to patients.Were your expectations met? Yes Partially No Were all your questions answered? Yes Optional No Optional Will this TARGET session help improve your knowledge? Optional How would you rate the following?In your opinion, how was the organisation of the session? Excellent Optional Good Optional Fair Optional Poor Optional Other Optional Which aspect of the session did you enjoy the most? Optional Which aspect of the session did you enjoy the least? Optional Please let us know any recommendations or other feedback you may have Optional PCD Strategy…Please rank the below core goals as to which you would like to prioritise for Primary Care, with 1 being the most important. Please note, each goal needs to have a different number. For example, you cannot rate two goals for number 1.Delivery of services and initiatives at scale1234Resilience and quality improvement1234System leadership and influence1234Corporate support and infrastructure1234 PCD Strategy…How are you feeling about the future of Primary Care? Positive Neutral Negative Claim your certificate…HiddenDate of Event Optional DD slash MM slash YYYY Date of Event Optional09/03/202223/03/2022Name First Last Email Name of Practice Role