PCD Oscars Nominations Step 1 of 3 33% PCD Oscars Awards…Please write the name of the person you would like to nominate for…Best Dressed Optional Newcomer Optional Staff who have joined us in the last 6 monthsLeadership Optional Not necessarily someone from SLT or a line manager, someone who has shown great leadership!Team spirit Optional Never too early for happy hour Optional Five More Minutes Optional Always in a meeting Optional Individual nominations…Next to each member of the team, write the award you would give to them! Laura Sherburn Optional Suzanne Hallworth-Manley Optional Kayleigh Wastnage Optional Louise Humphries Optional Moyra Rusere Optional Dave Hallgate Optional Kristen Rawson Optional Claire Bainbridge Optional Nicola Merricks Optional Emily Tideswell Optional Cheryl Gowland Optional Tina Hope Optional Paul Kemm Optional Jess Kelwick Optional Beth Rowlands Optional Lucy Barker Optional Lynda Milner Optional Karen Pemberton-Carroll Optional Your Details…Name First Optional Last Optional