Why choose Social Prescribing?
Many things can affect your health and wellbeing; either over a long or short period of time:
- Isolation
- Stress
- Money
- Housing
- Work
- Loneliness
These cannot be fixed with potions or pills or a visit to the Doctors. However, Social Prescribing can help you to take more control of these factors which affect your health and wellbeing.
How can it help, you may ask? After referral a Social Prescribing Advisor will connect with you by phone to arrange a mutually suitable appointment. This could be in your home, in a community space that you feel comfortable at, or out in nature. The choice would be yours. This appointment would be your time to talk about what really matters to you, where the Advisor actively listens to you to be able to get to know about you and your life and what you would like to change to improve your health and wellbeing. They offer you different long-term options which can include groups and activities. Together you create a plan which will help you to get better and feel better, which will improve your health and wellbeing.