The CQC Inspection of Primary Care Doncaster’s Extended Access Service in 2022 resulted in an overall rating of “Good” in all 5 areas.
Key findings of the inspection were:
- Staff had the information needed to deliver safe care and treatment.
- Staff worked together with other organisations to deliver effective care and treatment.
- There was compassionate, inclusive and effective leadership at all levels. The provider had effective processes to develop leadership capacity and skills, including planning for the future leadership of the service. Governance arrangements were proactively reviewed and had been significantly strengthened since the last inspection.
- There was a demonstrated commitment to best practice performance and risk management systems and processes.
- Staff at all levels demonstrated commitment to sharing data and information proactively to drive and support internal decision making as well as system-wide working and improvement.
- There was a clear, systematic and proactive approach to seeking out and embedding new and more sustainable models of care. For example, the health bus provides additional support to GP practices in Doncaster and reaches vulnerable people in society who have difficulty accessing healthcare.
- Staff said management were approachable, they felt supported, informed, listened to, there was an open-door policy and actions were taken for improvement. They also said it was a positive, inclusive, well-led and encouraging environment and staff work well together. They said PCD was a big family. Staff were proud of the organisation as a place to work and spoke highly of the culture.
- All the patient feedback was positive, and they spoke highly of the service.
You can view our full report via the CQC rating box at the bottom of the page.