Everyone has the Freedom to Speak Up!
Speaking up about a concern that you have is very important. It is in fact vital to Primary Care Doncaster Limited as it enables us to continually strive for improvement. We strive for improvement both in the services and experiences we provide to patients and the wellbeing of our staff (including the environment they work in).
When things go wrong, we need to make sure that lessons are learnt and things are improved. If we think something might go wrong, it’s important that we all feel able to Speak Up so that potential harm is prevented. Even when things are good, but could be even better, we should feel able to say something and should expect that our suggestion is listened to and used as an opportunity for improvement.

Meet our Freedom To Speak Up Guardians!
Moyra Rusere and Stuart McHardy are both Freedom To Speak Up representatives for Primary Care Doncaster. You can find out all about them, their roles and their Freedom To Speak Up role below…

Moyra Rusere
I’ve been a Freedom To Speak Up Guardian since… “October 2022”
My previous roles have been… “A Paralegal and Legal Assistant.”
I became a Freedom To Speak Up Guardian because… “I absolutely love the values of PCD, and I want to ensure that we can keep those values by encouraging people to speak up when things are not quite right or if something can be improved.”
Freedom To Speak Up means… “Being able to feel safe and raise concerns about their job knowing that it doesn’t fall on deaf ears.”
Who would you like to be stuck in a life with? “Bear Grylls so he could get us of the lift asap!”
Early bird or night owl? “Night owl”
What do you like to do in your spare time? “Enjoy time with friends and family especially where there is food and wine involved. I love hikes but not in winter.”
What music would you prefer was playing in the lift? “Depends on how long I’ll be stuck in the lift, but it’ll have to be varied music, I love Zimbabwean music especially an artists called Oliver Mtukudzi so any music that will include a couple of his songs.”
What is your secret talent? “I never know what to say for this, but I can hula hoop.”
My top tip for life is… “Be Kind!”
My favourite quote is… “Treat others how you would like to be treated by others, and if you hate yourself do the opposite of what you do to yourself.”

Stuart McHardy
I’ve been a Freedom To Speak Up Guardian since… “May 2022”
My previous roles have been… “Prior to medical school- bartender”.
I became a Freedom To Speak Up guardian because… “Sometimes things need to be said for organisations to improve but people are fearful of the consequences”
Freedom To Speak Up means… “A safe and trusted environment in which concerns can be raised”
Who would you like to be stuck in a lift with? “A lift technician”
Early bird or night owl? “Night owl”
What do you like to do in your spare time? “Tend to my allotment, read military history”
What music would you prefer was playing in the lift? “Heart Dance radio or similar playlist”
What is your secret talent? “Maybe not so secret, but I make pretty good cocktails”
My top tip for life is… “Don’t worry too much about what other people think about you. In 100 years nobody is likely to care!”
My favourite quote is… “Rest assured you are not crazy, it is the world that is mad”
Non-urgent advice: How to Contact
You can Speak Up and raise a concern you may have with us via the contact routes below. These are via our anonymous website contact form here which gives you the option to add your contact details or via our Freedom To Speak Up email address.