We value your feedback and we rely on patients’ views to make changes and improve our services when needed. We carry out regular surveys to find out about the experience patients have had using our services and report back our findings in a variety of ways including on this website.
To leave feedback, good or bad, please use the form below. You can post your feedback anonymously if you prefer.
If you wish to make a complaint about any Primary Care Doncaster service, you can make one using the form below. You can also direct message us via social media, verbally or in writing by post or email.
Please make sure you include your name and full contact details so that we can follow up your complaint.
The member of staff receiving the complaint will follow Primary Care Doncaster Limited’s complaint handling policy and notify a member of the corporate function management team immediately.
Freedom of Information Requests
The Freedom of Information Act covers:
- a general right of access to information held by Primary Care Doncaster subject to certain conditions and exemptions
- a duty on us to inform any person who requests information whether we hold the information, and to communicate that information to the applicant unless one or more exemptions apply
To make a freedom of information request, you should provide your name, an email address and the information you want on the form below. Please be as concise as possible about the information you want as this will help to answer your request.
If the information is your own personal data, then you should make a subject access request under the Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018, and not under the FOI Act.
If you want to see copies of your medical records, you should ask your GP or the health setting that provided your care or treatment. We do not hold medical records in the same format as a GP or hospital, for example GP notes, X-rays or scans.
Subject Access Requests
A SAR is a request that can be made in writing, by email or verbally asking for access to the personal information a company or organisation holds on you. This is a legal right that any individual in the UK is entitled to exercise at any point for free.
You can ask someone else to submit a subject access request for you, for example, a solicitor or family member, acting on your behalf. You may be asked to provide confirmation that you have asked them to do this.
If you have used a Primary Care Doncaster service and would like access to the personal information we hold about you, please complete the form below and ensure you give your name and full contact details.